Gestare Art Collective

Dark Moon MA Walking

Dark Moon MA Walking

This new collaborative practice was co-envisioned during a Gestare skype/presence/distance retreat in the rooftop home of member Ingred Rose in the West end of Vancouver on the warm sunny afternoon of August 12, 2016.

Nané, Ingred and Medwyn were together in person, Barbara was present on Skype and Cindy-Lou’s etheric presence came from her solitary retreat in Boston Bar. A central act of the retreat was to co-perform the last of the 13 MA poses, Dea Regeneratrix.

Post-performance reflections emphasized the shared desire to continue a form of working with MA. The collective sensing of the potential in this practice to move more deeply into our conscious connection with the cosmos, along with discussion of recent art projects focusing on walking, fuelled the development of a new approach to engaging with the MA poses through combining them with solitary reflective walking. An additional component emerged shifting our perspective from the full moon cycles to the dark moon, the liminal space between moons, a restorative time for finding and renewing our own rhythms, while seeking and surrendering to a sense of spaciousness.

The practice begins with holding a MA pose for a period of time prior to walking, integrating the pose into the body and taking this awareness into the solitary walking practice. The practice is documented and uploaded to our website through the dates below.

               The Dark Moons for MA Walking  2016-17

Thursday September 1, 2016            Friday January 27, 2017

Friday September 30                         Sunday February 26

Sunday October 30                           Monday March 27 

Tuesday November 29                      Wednesday April 26

Thursday December 29                     Thursday May 25

                                                         Friday June 23

                                                         Sunday July 23

                                                         Monday August 21 (Solar Eclipse)

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