Gestare Art Collective

MA Pose-9


Blessing with raised palms turned outwards. Deified Queen Nefertari giving the blessing. New Kingdom, Egypt.

Barbara Ma Pose, Blessing

April 2017 in San Antonio, Texas

I walk down the historical street near the Air BnB in Germantown where I am staying. I find a small path that leads to the San Antonio River Walk, where the river flows more freely with a natural stone and grass riverbank. I walk down the path and find large cement stepping stones to cross the river. I find a place on the river bank amidst long grasses and sit in the MA Blessing Pose, my palms facing the flowing river. I immediately feel the energy in my palms as I remain here with my eyes closed. Dogs and their owners pass by as I sit in the pose. I send my blessings to all the people who have lived along the banks of this river. Blessings to this water, the land, the creatures. I begin to sound. MA emerges in matter. I receive MA energy through my being and share and move it outward. It is an outward and open movement of energy and a song emerges. Soon birds join in my sound song as we send blessings out through our voices and my posed hands. I stay for a long time sitting alongside this river with the sun warming my body, listening to the sounds of the river and the nearby bird songs.

Click to listen - 7 minutes sounding

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