Gestare Art Collective

Ancestral Journeys 2011/2012

Working with the moon and the sun we travel together at geographic distances across time and space through performance ritual, trance, and artworkings. Over a one-year period we will journey concurrently within the three-day window around each quarter and cross-quarter of the cycle of the moon and the sun. In the individual quests we engage a ritual and trance practice with the intention to attune with ancestors of the land and our lives.

Freed from a singular level of consciousness, we cross time and place, grounding a deeper understanding of the past while opening to wisdom and guidance for the future. The resulting artworkings (video, photographs and writing) seek to remember and wit(h)ness collective and individual life experiences embedded in the earth and cosmos.

Our ongoing temporal explorations highlight the specific inner dimension and relationship of artmaking with the self and other. 

Wheel of the Year Sabbats and Esbats
[Quarters and Cross Quarters]

Lunar Samhain New Moon in Scorpio 
Wednesday October 26

Winter Solstice Sun in Capricorn (Yule)
Wednesday December 21

Lunar Imbolc New Moon in Aquarius 
Sunday January 22

Spring Equinox Sun in Aries 
Monday March 19

Lunar Beltane Full Moon in Scorpio 
Saturday May 5

Summer Solstice Sun in Cancer  (Midsummer)
Wednesday June 20

Lunar Lammas Full Moon in Aquarius  (Lughnasadh)
Wednesday August 1

Fall Equinox Sun in Libra
Saturday September 22



This website is copyright of Gestare Art Collective, 2018. All rights reserved. 

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