Gestare Art Collective

Ancestral Journey 6 - Summer Solstice Sun in Cancer Wednesday, June 20, 2012


ingrid's journey 


Barbara's Journey

Video still from Barbara's journey.

Stay tuned for video


We come from the water and we return to the water. Water is our origin. Water is forgiving...

See PDf for full text.


medwyn's journey
this ancestor dance and song was created and performed as an honouring and calling in of the ancestors of this land to help us in this time of challenge……………

may we remember who we are
may we heal ourselves and our world

see PDF for full text
midsummer ancestor dance.pdf midsummer ancestor dance.pdf
Size : 23.917 Kb
Type : pdf

Nané's journey  

I go to Trout Lake park with Danaan. We want to be close to home, both of us feel unwell. But we look forward to some sun, the first sunny day in weeks. The park is full of children, young ones with parents, older ones with their classes and teachers—all are taking in the beautiful day. Though its busy here, I build a labyrinth on the beach. Kids walk over it as I begin to walk into it. On one of the first turns in the labyrinth I stop and look at the Lake. I am reminded how I need this moment, and how long its been since I have been able to make such a moment. It is fleeting, at least I noticed this—and for an instant I drop a bit more into my body, knowing I want more of such dropping sensations. I keep walking to finish the labyrinth loops. I sit in the centre in the sand for while. It’s very, very hot on this sand. I walk out again. My body slows in pace by this simple ritual.

 I go down to the Lake with a piece of red thread and dip it into the water. This Lake is a big pond really, with a view of the mountains beyond. The water feels cool and lovely. I admire the water and feel blessed by the park and the presence of all. I stand for awhile with bare feet in the water. Danaan and I sit in the sun, absorbing—children are busy, splashing in the water, at the shore. A school group buries their friend in the sand near to us. I leave the red thread where we sit, thinking about my connection to this place, and the threads of faraway travel to come.

Danaan C-J (2012). Nané walking sand labyrinth at Trout Lake park.


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